can i upgrade my ipod touch 2nd generation to ios 5

can i upgrade my ipod touch 2nd generation to ios 5
How do I install iOS 5 on my iPod touch 2g? | iPad, iPhone, and.Nov 1, 2011. I am trying to update my 3rd generation iPod touch to iOS 5.. If, in the tiny text near the bottom, you see A1288, you have a 2nd generation iPod touch.. You can find iOS 5 updates by clicking the following links (these are .
Jun 7, 2011. Will my 2nd gen iPod Touch be able to download the new IOS 5 update? iPod touch, iOS 4.3.2. I have this question too (107). lllaass Level 10 .
Apr 13, 2013. How can I update my Itouch 2g. IPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad iOS Compatibility Chart. Updating Your iOS to Version 6.0.x from iOS 5.
HT4972 How I upgrade my iPod to iOS 4.3: Apple Support.
Dec 27, 2012. HT3026 how do i update ti ios5 without software app on ipod touch. 177 Views 3 . Can someone help i need to download ios5 but have no software under general. iPod touch, iOS 5. can go to iOS 5. A 2G can go to 4.2.1.
Feb 14, 2013. My Gen 2 touch was running IOS 5 or higher but when I updated to latest version of iTunes on syncing it rolled it back to 4.2.1 so now over half .
Apr 17, 2013. How do I update my iPod 3rd generation to iOS 5 so I can get iCloud. (3rd generation) can be distinguished from iPod touch (2nd generation) .
May 1, 2013. How can I upgrade my ipod? Those can only go to iOS 4.2.1.. iPod touch ( 2nd generation) is model A1288, and iPod touch (3rd generation) is model A1318.. This solved my question - 10 points; This helped me - 5 points.
Mar 27, 2013. iPod touch, iOS 4.2. iOS 4: Updating your device to iOS 5 or later. (3rd generation) can be distinguished from iPod touch (2nd generation) by .
Sep 10, 2012. Only the third-generation or fourth-generation iPod touch can run iOS 5. My guess is that you have a second-generation model for which iOS .
may i know is there any upgrade ios for 2g ipod mc model - Apple.
I need update my iPod touch for iOS.: Apple Support Communities.
can i upgrade my ipod touch 2nd generation to ios 5
itunes - How do I get iOS 5 on my iPod touch? - Ask Different.Can I update my iPod touch 3rd gen to iOs 5? - Apple Support.
IOS 5 update for ipod touch: Apple Support Communities.
Jun 3, 2013. The second generation iPod touch can't be updated past 4.2.1.. present on your iDevice, then you are trying to upgrade to iOS 5 or higher.
Mar 24, 2013. iOS5 on iPod Touch 2nd Gen. Now, iOS 5 is silly to expect I guess.. of apps rather than seeing) "update required" would be awesome.