inetd solaris start

OTN Discussion Forums : inetd-upgrade times out during first.
Problems starting swat from inetd. I have Solaris 9 12/02 running on an Ultra 60- 2x450. I'm trying to use swat to configure Samba. I put this .
solaris 9; inetd -t not working - comp.sys.sun.admin - Computer Group.
inetd solaris start
Solaris 9: Sun Certified System Administrator Study Guide: Parts I. - Google Books Result.Back to the Basics: Solaris and inetd.conf Part Two | Symantec.
Solaris Operating System: Restarting inetd -
Thread: Inetd not running at startup with SMF. Solaris 10. No log. Forums software upgrade will be happening June 7-10. More information .
I recently set up two Solaris 10 x86 systems. I can FTP to one. svcadm enable ftp. Use inetadm instead of svcadm. ftpd is handled by inetd.
< com> wrote: >+ I did not restart inetd, and my first question is: how do I do that? I.
Not sure if this is a Solaris 10 issue becuase of the way it has migrated from inetd. conf to svcs/inetadm to start OS services. Any one else have .
On one of our server inetd service has stuck in transition state , tried restarting it. there is no associated inetd process for the same , how can i start it.. w/o.. usually known simply as Solaris, is a Unix-based operating system .

Solaris: Netbackup: bpcd issues | The Solaris Cookbook | The.
inetd solaris start
inetd doesn't start rpc.metad.. why? - comp.unix.solaris.Solaris Operating System: Not able to start inetd -
svc.startd svc:/network/inetd:default: Method or service exit.
Service not starting Solaris10 - The UNIX and Linux Forums.